What to Expect During the Procedure
Stem Cell Therapy is performed in our office. You can expect your appointment on the day of treatment to last approximately 90 minutes. Everything necessary for the treatment, including blood draws, will be taken care of during the 90 minute appointment.
A simple blood draw (50mL) from your veins will be done and placed in a centrifuge. This blood will then be spun down to produce the Platelet–Rich Plasma or PRP for your procedure.
Marrow Aspiration:
Once in the procedure room, the doctor will apply a local anesthetic of lidocaine to your posterior hip area where the marrow will be obtained from. A small incision will then be made at the site of extraction (7cm) where the bone marrow will be drawn. 60-120mL will then be aspirated and placed in a centrifuge to separate your stem cells.
Adipose Aspiration:
The doctor will again apply a local anesthetic of lidocaine to your posterior hip area and another small incision will then be made (7cm in length). A fluid containing Normal Saline and Lidocaine with Epinephrine will then be injected into the adipose tissue to help separate your fat for your main joint injection. Again this aspirated fluid will be centrifuged as well to separate your stem cells.
Cell Concentrate Injection:
The doctor will again apply a local anesthetic of lidocaine to the injured joint or tendon, followed by an ultrasound guided injection of platelets (PRP), adipose stem cells, and bone marrow stem cells.
*Some of these steps may or may not be part of your procedure– the physician will consult with you on what to expect during your procedure. Please note all of these areas of collection contain your own stem cells that contain growth factors important for your injections.